我特別獨鍾於白色的花朵,除了純白之外,各系白色調的漸層: 白偏粉色、白略帶淺紫、米色白、象牙白都是令我心動的顏色。
時常觀光的超市對面,就有這麼一間專賣白色系花朵的花店,店名是: Camelia blanc 白色的山茶花。
在建築上,獨鍾白色的 Richard Meier 所寫的Pritzker得獎感言(普利斯克年度建築獎,有建築界中的諾貝爾獎之稱),是我非常喜歡的一篇詮釋白色的文章 。
White conventionally has always been seen as a symbol of perfection, of purity and clarity. If we
ask why this is the case, we realize that where other colors have relative values dependent upon
their context, white retains its absoluteness.
我還記得第一次去Getty Museum的時候,被整個白色空間所包圍的美好感受,或許有人會覺得全部的白色會讓人聯想到醫院,或是太過刺眼。但是,當白色的空間被細膩的考量過光影和適度的綠意,卻是最純粹長久的美感。
For me, in fact, it is the color which in natural light, reflects and
intensifies the perception of all of the shades of the rainbow, the colors which are constantly
changing in nature, for the whiteness of white is never just white; it is almost always transformed by
light and that which is changing; the sky, the clouds, the sun and the moon. (Richard Meier)
另一個用純粹的白色來聚焦是法國的動物攝影家Vincent Munier。他在2006年出版的 Blanc nature攝影集,許多照片都讓我非常喜歡。