

我在Frank Darabont on The Shawshank Redemption這篇訪問中學習到很多:更認識這部電影、也更認識導演,透過導演的感性和理性,我更懂得如何呈現一個故事,也更進一步理解劇本面對原著時會有怎樣的取捨和編排。

我學習到思考劇本創作需要的框架:你如何去找emotional through-line,何謂是Setups and Payoffs

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Setups and Payoffs

To set up means to layer in knowledge; to pay off means to close the gap by delivering that knowledge to the audience. When the gap between expectation and result propels the audience back through the story seeking answers, it can only find them if the writer has planted these insights in the work.”

關於電影的主旨-希望和救贖,對導演而言,希望和救贖是緊密交織的,他覺得希望就是一種救贖(saving someone from evil, suffering..),而這也是人類最美好的部分。

其實電影到後頭出現Andy撥放莫札特歌劇的一幕,並沒有出現在原著中,這一幕是導演自己在聆聽歌劇時,內心感到的悸動和靈感。這一幕同時也強化了電影的前提,無論你再多麼絕望沮喪的情況,有時你是有意識地去追尋希望,但大部分的時候這是潛意識下的追尋,而這正是原著作者Stephen King想傳達的強烈訊息。

Brooks was here.

我記得李安導演曾經說過一句話,他有時會為了一個畫面或一段對話,而想要拍一部電影。而【刺激1995】的導演和編劇Frank Darabon(陰屍路影集的製作人),他提到自己的概念突破(conceptual breakthrough)是不願出獄的老先生Brooks。


I think this was prior to the writing, in the thinking about the story that he just kind of popped into my head and unlocked the whole movie for me.

The Shawshank Redemption

導演提到處理制度化(Institutionalization)是他在改編原著時,覺得最棘手的議題, 制度化更大的意涵,代表著希望和絕望,而這是電影最核心的主題。書本的故事敘述可以不受限的處理這個議題,例如描寫角色的內心世界,然而電影劇本必須想辦法,安排每個角色的比重和呈現手法,讓這個主題具象化。





“These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That’s institutionalizing.”


Jean-Jacques Rousseau曾在【社會契約】中提到: “Slaves lose everything in their chains, even the desire of escaping from them: they love their servitude”.也呼應了旁白這段話。




這部電影耐人尋味的最大功臣之一,我想就屬Morgan Freeman的旁白,如同導演所說,如果你想要靜靜聽一個人連續說話兩小時,Morgan Freeman絕對是最佳人選。

Could that movie have been made as effectively without Red’s continuing narration or voice-over?

Not at all. Not at all. And I’m delighted that it worked. I’m delighted people responded to it. I’m delighted I had Morgan Freeman to deliver that narration. Let’s start there. If you’re going to listen to somebody’s voice for two hours, that’s the guy to do it. Thank God it worked. There were many arguments in favor of it, starting with Stephen King’s narrative voice in the story, told from the point of view of that character.



旁白的修辭學figurative languages

旁白的內容大多是源自小說的句子(verbatim) ,也許就是因為原封不動引用了小說的句子,其中豐富的修辭學應用,使得旁白聽起來豐富生動,在此舉了些例子:

誇飾 (Hyperbole)

Old life blown away in the blink of an eye. –>An exaggeration of how the life can be changed only just in a blink of an eye

反諷 (Irony)

  • Me neither! They run this place like a fucking prison.–> Ironically saying it because the place is the prison itself.
  • Everybody in here’s innocent. Didn’t you know that? –> Ironically saying it because only guilty person lives in prison or jail.

提喻 (Metonymy):

..outside all you need is the Yellow Pages.–>Yellow Pages is another for the book which contains all important numbers which is the papers are yellow.

擬人 (Personification)

Well, here she is. The Shawshank Prison Library. –>“She” is for a female second person. While it is a library that we should use “it” for addressing.

婉言、反語 (Litotes)

  • I‟m no longer a danger to society. –> Red denied saying that he is a well-behavioral person.
  • There‟s not a day goes by I don‟t feel regret. –>Denied to say that he always feel regretful on what he did.


這部英文原片名是【The Shawshank Redemption】,也就是"Shawshank 監獄的救贖",無論是中文【刺激1995】和法文【Les Évadés】"The escapes”(其實法文選擇用複數,也是耐人尋味,因為只有主角Andy一人逃脫),我覺得都是強調了"逃獄"這一點,儘管中文片名完全沒有把電影主題表達出來,甚至可以說詞不達意,但就台灣開出不錯的票房而言,片名翻譯的選擇是成功的,


然而,我查了手邊的Merriam-Webster’s 字典,redemption(the act of redeeming)的動詞redeem的三個解釋,這個字用得很傳神。

redeem (v.)

  1. to free from the consequences of sin
  2. to make good (a promise) by performing
  3. to change for the better
  4. (其他用於金錢上的用法)


米蘭達權利(Miranda rights)

電影的最後,當 Captain Hadley被逮捕時,我們可以看到警官對著手上拿的小紙念了經典”米蘭達警告(Miranda Warning )"


這個小細節是有符合當時的歷史現實:Andy逃獄的當年1966,正是高等法院針對 【Miranda v. Arizona】案而宣告的權利:所有人在被警方拘留前,都有權利保持沉默。

This is because, as Red states, Andy broke out in 1966, the same year as Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona, which declared that people must be read their rights before placed into police custody. 


1982原版書的封面插圖作者 Holly Hughs

電影的原著是Stephen King 的書【Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption】,當我看到1982年原版書的封面,覺得這本書的封面設計非常用心,我非常喜歡。

另外,我們也特別注意到Stephen King 所使用的副標題 Hope Springs Eternal當我們內心持有希望,儘管眼前難關重重,也能如願以求。

如果這張封面有出海報,我應該會買回來錶框,看著這張圖,看著那隧道,想著劇情的推演,想著Andy聽著歌劇音樂,對著Red說:內心那個不可觸及的東西"希望”,然後想到這個副標題Hope Springs Eternal…

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "RITA HAYWORTH and SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, HARDCOVER ED 1982"


Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.


The Famous ‘Shawshank Redemption’ Oak Tree Falls

Robert Forest的詩

Morgan Freeman as Red in The Shawshank Redemption

Andy埋藏在白橡樹附近、寫給Red的信中提到了,在這個如詩如畫的田園風景和白橡樹,就像Robert Forest的詩。

“It’s got a long rock wall with a big oak tree at the north end. It’s like something out of a Robert Frost poem…

然後我想起Robert Forest寫的這段:

Two roads diverged in a wood, And I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

The Road Less Traveled By Robert Frost Poem Wall Art 8.5X11 image 0

Morgan Freeman連續投球 9小時

Andy和 Red第一次在監獄的對話這一幕,拍了9小時之久,而Morgan Freeman就這樣投球投了九小時,毫無怨言。隔天他圍了手臂吊帶出現。

Ouch! It took 9 hours to shoot Andy and Red’s first conversation (with Red throwing the ball) in the prison yard; Morgan Freeman continued to pitch the baseball for 9 hours without complaint. 

The next day, he arrived to set with his arm in a sling.






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